Plastic Surgery+ in a Bottle


A most definitive anti-aging cream. Defy time with Plastic Surgery in a Bottle.

A Vital Therapy favorite – now with CBD power added. Aptly named because enhancements may be seen in as little as 30 minutes after applying. Extreme anti-aging synergistic impact of the ingredients improves tone and elasticity, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, decreases dark spots on the skin, increases hydration… and the list goes on. Vitamin A, B complex, E, omega 3, 6 and 9 loaded with peptides, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and much more. Pure skin nourishment. An excellent solution in the driest of climates with combinations so powerful only nightly application is needed to see results. No kidding.

We love this product! Couple with VT Bold Liquid Wow and be increasingly astounded.